By Amada United Kingdom Limited
schedule30th May 24

Recol Ltd, a world-class provider of sheet metal fabrication, precision machined components and mechanical assemblies, has placed an order for a new AMADA FLW-ENSISe 6kW automated fibre laser welding machine. The first model of its type in Europe, the FLW ENSISe will enhance the quality and repeatability of the company’s welding operations while in many instances eliminating a number of on-processes, including straightening, grinding and polishing.

With annual turnover currently around the £12 million mark, Northampton-based Recol Ltd is showing its ambition by targeting £15 million in the next 18-24 months. With circa 100 employees, this progressive manufacturing business builds its success on three key differentiators: good people, good equipment and continuous improvement. The latest Recol process to feel the scrutiny of the latter, is welding.

“We like to be first out the gate as it gives us something in that initial 6-12 months that is unavailable elsewhere, potentially providing a path into new customers and markets,” explains Mr Guntrip.

Recol is anticipating numerous advantages from its AMADA FLW ENSISe 6kW fibre welder. Primarily, by automating this notoriously challenging fabrication process, the company will tap into significant quality and consistency gains, not to mention higher productivity and reduced labour cost through lights-out welding. However, there is also the considerable potential to eliminate a number of secondary operations.

“We straighten, grind and polish a lot of our welded stainless steel,” he says. “A major advantage of the AMADA FLW is minimal heat input to reduce distortion and maintain the weld aesthetics. We’re currently identifying a list of products for the new machine which can simply cut, fold, weld and despatch. No straightening, grinding, cleaning or polishing.”

Recol’s progressive approach to reinvestment has secured its place at the head of a very competitive market, helping to establish a strong and diverse customer base. At the heart of this success is the company’s 35-year plus working relationship with AMADA.

“We always go with AMADA because I know they will work with us, combining their machine expertise with our fabrication know-how,” concludes Mr Guntrip. “AMADA always focuses on the overall objectives of our investment projects. They see the big picture.”

For further information: 01562 749500 | [email protected]